Be the Lighthouse

March 31, 2017

Random Awesome & Funny Things

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 10:03 pm

Different day begins with Todd Snider Beer Run LOL I’ve always got a kick out that.

We of course have to follow that up with his Talking Seattle Grunge Band bit lol

The first episode of The IT Crowd is up next lol Please note, the episode ends at 20 minutes into the video & for some unknown reason starts over. “The comedic adventures of a rag-tag group of technical support workers at a large corporation.”

“I’m gonna put you in IT.” Lol


“Get out of the lift.” Lol

LOL funny stuff!

Lol the A-Team music.

And yes, rebooting is their solution to everything lol

Let’s check out the second episode


Lol at the 85 digit phone number for the ambulance & he remembers it lol

For whatever reason that link does the same thing & repeats at 20 minutes. Great stuff. See you next time!

March 30, 2017

Arrow Continues

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 9:31 pm

Timeless 13 is/was officially my least favorite episode of the series thus far. Interestingly enough, the 13th episode of the first season of Arrow is up next. The series is awesome thus far, intrigue, action, tension and incredible Vancouver scenery. Best of all, it’s a superhero thing without superpowers. At this point he’s just known as, “The Hood,” because of his hooded garb.

Paul Blackthorne plays Quentin Lance, the police officer obsessed with finding The Hood. Have I mentioned how awesome the show is?


Starling City is filled with nasty villains but is decidedly lacking in superheroes which of course is where The Hood comes in. Everything about the show is top shelf and rather than ponder what to watch/watch something not as awesome all the while wishing Arrow was on.

Stephen Amell is Oliver Queen/our hero/The Hood.

Like The Bat though, we are vulnerable through our friends and family and someone is LYING! Lol

Manu Bennett is fantastic as Slade Wilson.


“Have you considered a sword? I like swords.” Lol

That she has and more….


More, more! On to #14 it is, we have ne’er do wells and miscreants to thwart.

Ouch. Wow. I’d say, “Didn’t see that coming,” but, this show is all about the unexpected.

Emily Bett Rickards is outstanding as tech support guru Felicity Smoak.

“You need a doctor not a steelworker.” LOL

Wow. Okay. I’m going to say something I don’t say very often. I’m impressed and I mean, incredibly impressed 🙂

The awesome thing is, the show’s beginning to make a lot more sense now 🙂

Okay, but, this obviously isn’t going to work….

Great stuff & I love the new direction!

We’re not gonna say it, we’re just gonna play it! which really happened to Nikki Sixx, 6 times according to Wikipedia. Wow….

Okay, back to our show!

Very cool! 4.8/5 & we will see you next time!

March 29, 2017

Timeless: Karma Chameleon

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 9:47 pm

New Timeless! “Wyatt and Rufus go rogue by traveling back to the 1980s in a desperate bid to save Jessica’s life. Lucy covers for them in the present as Agent Christopher discovers the ship is missing.” It’s a lot like Arrow in that there are multiple sides/various people with often differing/conflicting agendas. After this one we only have 3 more left this season. I hope it gets renewed….

Okay Abigail Spencer is Lucy Preston the history expert, Matt Lanter is Wyatt Logan the Delta Force guy, Malcolm Barrett plays Rufus Carlin and they’re all named after characters/cast from Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989) which we are totally going to watch soon.

Messing with the timeline, yeah, that’s bad lol

Are you sure about that?

This’ll never work….

It’s not, we still have 3 more episodes….

“Ma’am.” HAHA

Ooh, reveal indeed lol

Team? Riiiiiight….

Twist much lol

Ooooooooooooooooooooooo. My attention this has!

Mates? You’re a meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerp.

Lol The Human League – Don’t You Want Me

He looks really familiar. Not getting it yet. Right. Drew Roy, played Hal in Falling Skies.


No. “Could be worse, it could be the ______.” Lol


This isn’t going to go well….

No, no, no, no….

Hmm. Wow….

I don’t think so….

Shift indeed & I’m not sure what to say about it other than it most certainly will not involve ellipsis lol

Somebody needs to be smacked lol

Not sure how I feel about that but we however have to end on a high note so let’s check out Don Rickles & Mr T Merv Griffin Show 1983 lol

March 28, 2017

Posse From Hell

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 9:53 pm

What to watch, what to watch….

Let’s go with Posse From Hell (1961) with Audie Murphy. As the title implies it revolves around a decidedly less than awesome posse lol

“Banner Cole is a tough sheriff’s deputy who forms a small posse to go after 4 death cell escapees who killed the sheriff, along with 3 other men, and kidnapped a woman….”

John Saxon, Zohra Lampert is our female lead. We also have Royal Dano, Vic Morrow, Rodolfo Acosta, Lee Van Cleef, Royal Dano and these other people. With that let’s get to it!

Lol we also have Robert Keith and Charles Horvath and his 248 acting credits lol

The comparative innocence of the 30’s and 40’s had given way to somewhat darker plots in the 60’s especially at the end of the decade.

The tension!

Vic Morrow indeed, with your merry band of miscreants….

Hey, in part it was filmed at Lone Pine!

Enter our leading lady Zohra Lampert as Helen Caldwell. Oh wow, she won an Emmy for her work on Kojak.

I mentioned the tension right?

There’s Murphy!

Lookie there, the horses are in the stable!

Worse posse ever hence the title….

Wish the video quality was better. Great scenery though 🙂


Yes I do….

Insert the Josey Wales turn of the head/spit lol

Oh I’ll give you one 🙂

Great seeing that again! 4/5 & we will see you next time!

March 27, 2017

The Dukes of Hazzard

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 9:46 pm

Let’s check out the pilot episode of The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) (TV Series) next. We of course have to begin with the theme song. Okay. Background info This is one of my favorite parts, “In several interviews, John Schneider admitted that he lied about his age in order to get the part of Bo Duke. He told them that he was 24, when in reality, he was just a teenager at 18. He also showed up in a t-shirt and blue jeans, carrying a six pack of beer, and pretending to speak with a Southern accent, when in reality he was from New York City.” LOL

We have ultra character actors, Denver Pyle and James Best. Waylon Jennings of course is The Balladeer, John Schneider is Bo, Tom Wopat is Luke & Catherine Bach is Daisy. Lots of car stuff & let’s get to it!


Car stuff was really big then, Smokey and the Bandit, Cannonball Run, etc, etc


Okay, so, cars, and, lots of yeeeeehaaaa and yaaahoooo lol

The star of the show of course is the “General Lee,” a 1969 Dodge Charger.

Okay, so, Wopat was 28 and Catherine Bach was 25 when they started.

Lol at Uncle Jessie’s dissertation on how it’s okay to make and sell moonshine but that slot machines are bad lol

Above all else though, the boys fight the good fight/aka the corruption of one Hazzard County.

Oh, oh, there goes the first of many convenient ramps/of dirt lol as they drive rings around the sheriff and deputy lol


Lol the horn.

4/5 Lot of fun, very cool and we will see you next time!

March 26, 2017

Random Awesome Things!

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 1:48 pm

Whoa, now how’s this for a head trip? “In a dystopian near future, single people, according to the laws of The City, are taken to The Hotel, where they are obliged to find a romantic partner in forty-five days or are transformed into beasts and sent off into The Woods.” That’s the plot of The Lobster (2015) so let’s check that out!

Colin Farrell, the always awesome/girl power Rachel Weisz and these other people. Let’s see where it takes us! In between episodes of Arrow as we are though… well, we’ll give it a chance lol

Right hand drive, where are we? Great scenery, what? Umm. Wherever this is going, it can get there without me lol. For some unknown reason though, it’s still on/playing lol it’s definitely different. It’s bizarre and makes absolutely no sense, which is probably why it’s still on lol

It wouldn’t matter to me….

Definitely had that coming!

That would be me, I would totally do all of that….

Scenery = outstanding 🙂

Hunh, well, okay….

Oh well, let’s move on lol

Don Rickles and Michael Landon on Carsons Tonight Show 1974 is up next lol

Oh wow, before the Little House series began.

Let’s move on to The Very Best of Don Rickles lol

“Good luck working construction.” Lol

Lol at Carson throwing him in the tub.

Let’s move on to some Jimmy Buffett

Dean Martin & Tim Conway – King of Parma is up next “Pretty happy.” Lol




“He has KP in the morning.” LOL

March 25, 2017

Arrow: Pilot

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 1:47 pm

Let’s check out the pilot episode of Arrow (2012) (TV Series) next. “Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.” Batman much? Lol Wow, it’s presently in its 6th season. Let’s see where it takes us!

Welcome to Wayne Manor! Oh wait teehee.


Oh boy. You = ebil, evil, with a capital EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol

Nope. Nope lol

Ah the magic case!

And with that we are in business!

We also have a few familiar faces.



“Alfred.” Lol



Ah, but remember the magic bow guy from YouTube, Lars Andersen and his theory of holding arrows in the draw hand 3 arrows in 1.5 seconds, wow. We’ll definitely be checking out more of his videos but, back to our show!

Oh yes he will lol

So, who or what was his father? Was he the original Arrow/Green Arrow? Who was?


Okay, so, where does it all go?


Wonder how long it’ll take her to figure it out….

Very cool. More, more!

Whoa, ebil indeed! Called that though lol

In the meantime, let’s check out Lars Andersen: Questions, Answers and New Archery Very cool! See you next time!

March 24, 2017


Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 9:07 pm

The pilot episode of Colony (2016) (TV Series) is up next. It airs on USA. “Set in the near future, Colony centers on a family who must make difficult decisions as they balance staying together while trying to survive. They live in L.A., which has been occupied by….” Josh Holloway from Lost and these other people, it sounds a bit like Falling Skies, let’s find out!

“Eggs are gross.” Lol

The second season is on now and Carlton Cuse who created Lost, is one of the creators of Colony. Cool.

Razor wire around the… okay….

🙂 cool so far 🙂 but we’re only 2 and a half minutes in lol

Hunh, okay, so what’s going on here?

“Factory.” That can’t be good….

Few other familiar faces and the suspense is definitely building. Wonder how he has a van when almost everyone’s riding bikes. Ah business. Lol “Sully,” as in the sidekick in Uncharted.

So, alien invasion?

Well, it’s definitely different & that was unexpected.

Police state indeed, but why? What happened, how did we get here?

Okay great now we know what’s going on lol

The tension!!!

All police states destroy themselves, eventually….

Very nice 🙂

Wonder how long it’ll be before he knows….

Very interesting and very promising!

4.8/5. I look forward to seeing more 🙂

March 23, 2017

Suicide Squad

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 8:40 pm

Suicide Squad (2016) is up next. Interesting. PG-13 okay.

“A secret government agency recruits some of the most dangerous incarcerated super-villains to form a defensive task force. Their first mission: save the world from the apocalypse.” Visually different, soundtrack, promising.

Right. House Of The Rising Sun by The Animals. Harley Quinn. Interesting, very promising and not at all what I expected.

Ooh, Sympathy For The Devil! Maybe it’s one long music video lol

Hunh, different indeed!

Mmm pancakes….

HAHA! The BAT! I’m Batman! Okay, it has my attention now 🙂

LOL “I put him in a hole and threw away the hole.” Lol

Oh, there’s The Bat again!


Ooh, The Flash.

Hunh. Interesting.


Not at all what I expected. I am very surprised to say, this has my full attention.

“White people that thing.” Lol

I think you got enough knives there.

Hunh. How’s that for a head trip?

You need The Bat. Where’s the Justice League? Wonder Woman? Hello?

Lol at the soundtrack.

“She seems nice.” Lol

Yeah, who’s the monster?

You know what Admiral Ackbar would say….

Nice shift.


We’re suspiciously lacking in the sounds of brass falling….

Transformation indeed 🙂

Not sure what I was expecting but this definitely was not it lol

Not for another 8 more movies at least lol

And you will lose.

Very nice.



Surprisingly cool.


Nope. Not possible.

Hunh. Didn’t expect that.

Girl power!


Margot Robbie is fantastic as Harley Quinn and the rest of the cast is quite awesome as well.

She’ll be fine. Told you. PG-13, superhero movie, had to happen 🙂 yay!

An expresso machine lol

Soon as I can, soon as I can 🙂



Thus setting up our next adventure….

Surprisingly epic. Not going to rate it, I will however say, there is now precisely 1 superhero movie in my library/on my list of favorite movies/TV shows 🙂

Nice tie in, in the credits sequence. See you next time!

March 22, 2017

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 8:35 pm

Having mentioned it The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) is up next. Josey Wales is one of if not THE most incredible characters ever created. Movie wise anyway, as we also have Commander Shepherd and Geralt. Anyway, Josey Wales is the right hand of vengeance, and very much like Geralt, was sent to protect us from the monsters.

We also have Sandra Locke as our female lead, Chief Dan George and even character actor extraordinaire Royal Dano along with John Vernon and multiple familiar faces.

“A Missouri farmer joins a Confederate guerrilla unit and winds up on the run from the Union soldiers who murdered his family.”

Fantastic background information on the film here

“’I’ll be across the street at Paramount cutting a new deal.’ Geffen was never asked to sit in on any other Eastwood picture after that encounter.” HAHAHHAA!

Wow. Look at the scenery!

You know, there ought to be a list, of things you don’t do. You know, like pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger, tug on Superman’s cape, spit in the wind and don’t mess with Josey Wales. This is without question my favorite of Mister Eastwood’s films, and not just one of my favorite westerns but one of my favorite movies ever. If vengeance has a name, it’s Josey Wales. We also though all have the capacity to become oh so much more and that Josey most certainly does. Man, when he says, “I’ll be coming with you,” it’s on!


Josey Wales is nigh death incarnate LOL sending 5 men after Josey Wales that’s hysterical. While you’re out there, catch us some moonbeams.

And you know what Admiral Ackbar would say….

It also needs to be mentioned, that, the film is 100% on location and that all of the weapons appear to be correct for the period/at the end of the Civil War. Everything about the film is first rate and I can’t imagine any higher praise than Orson Welles saying, “When I saw that picture for the fourth time, I realized that it belongs with the great Westerns. You know, the great Westerns of Ford and Hawks and people like that.”

It’s a case of a vengeance is mine so sayeth Josey Wales….

HAHA! Our first Josey Wales spit lol love his show of contempt/the classic turn of the head and spit he does.



Here we go,_The Fascinating. Richards-Mason conversions. details, “Along with William Mason he was granted patents from 1871 to convert percussion revolvers into rear-loading metallic cartridges revolvers.” Very interesting and an awesome bit of reference for all westerns 🙂

“We got us the Josey Wales.” HAHHAHA and I can catch smoke with my bare hands.

Wow, now this is cool. I had no idea & now we know why he’s called Mr. Wilson at the end of the film.



So many funny bits. Great stuff!


Hey, Robert Farnsworth!

Royal Dano!

Rose of Alabama 🙂

Incredible seeing that again 🙂 Too awesome to rate, see you next time!

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