Be the Lighthouse

March 29, 2017

Timeless: Karma Chameleon

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 9:47 pm

New Timeless! “Wyatt and Rufus go rogue by traveling back to the 1980s in a desperate bid to save Jessica’s life. Lucy covers for them in the present as Agent Christopher discovers the ship is missing.” It’s a lot like Arrow in that there are multiple sides/various people with often differing/conflicting agendas. After this one we only have 3 more left this season. I hope it gets renewed….

Okay Abigail Spencer is Lucy Preston the history expert, Matt Lanter is Wyatt Logan the Delta Force guy, Malcolm Barrett plays Rufus Carlin and they’re all named after characters/cast from Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989) which we are totally going to watch soon.

Messing with the timeline, yeah, that’s bad lol

Are you sure about that?

This’ll never work….

It’s not, we still have 3 more episodes….

“Ma’am.” HAHA

Ooh, reveal indeed lol

Team? Riiiiiight….

Twist much lol

Ooooooooooooooooooooooo. My attention this has!

Mates? You’re a meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerp.

Lol The Human League – Don’t You Want Me

He looks really familiar. Not getting it yet. Right. Drew Roy, played Hal in Falling Skies.


No. “Could be worse, it could be the ______.” Lol


This isn’t going to go well….

No, no, no, no….

Hmm. Wow….

I don’t think so….

Shift indeed & I’m not sure what to say about it other than it most certainly will not involve ellipsis lol

Somebody needs to be smacked lol

Not sure how I feel about that but we however have to end on a high note so let’s check out Don Rickles & Mr T Merv Griffin Show 1983 lol

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