Be the Lighthouse

March 30, 2017

Arrow Continues

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 9:31 pm

Timeless 13 is/was officially my least favorite episode of the series thus far. Interestingly enough, the 13th episode of the first season of Arrow is up next. The series is awesome thus far, intrigue, action, tension and incredible Vancouver scenery. Best of all, it’s a superhero thing without superpowers. At this point he’s just known as, “The Hood,” because of his hooded garb.

Paul Blackthorne plays Quentin Lance, the police officer obsessed with finding The Hood. Have I mentioned how awesome the show is?


Starling City is filled with nasty villains but is decidedly lacking in superheroes which of course is where The Hood comes in. Everything about the show is top shelf and rather than ponder what to watch/watch something not as awesome all the while wishing Arrow was on.

Stephen Amell is Oliver Queen/our hero/The Hood.

Like The Bat though, we are vulnerable through our friends and family and someone is LYING! Lol

Manu Bennett is fantastic as Slade Wilson.


“Have you considered a sword? I like swords.” Lol

That she has and more….


More, more! On to #14 it is, we have ne’er do wells and miscreants to thwart.

Ouch. Wow. I’d say, “Didn’t see that coming,” but, this show is all about the unexpected.

Emily Bett Rickards is outstanding as tech support guru Felicity Smoak.

“You need a doctor not a steelworker.” LOL

Wow. Okay. I’m going to say something I don’t say very often. I’m impressed and I mean, incredibly impressed 🙂

The awesome thing is, the show’s beginning to make a lot more sense now 🙂

Okay, but, this obviously isn’t going to work….

Great stuff & I love the new direction!

We’re not gonna say it, we’re just gonna play it! which really happened to Nikki Sixx, 6 times according to Wikipedia. Wow….

Okay, back to our show!

Very cool! 4.8/5 & we will see you next time!

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