Be the Lighthouse

May 31, 2017

White Tiger (2012)

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:44 pm

Belyy tigr (2012) translates as White Tiger. it sounds promising, “Great Patriotic War, early 1940s. After barely surviving a battle with a mysterious, ghostly-white Tiger tank, Red Army Sergeant Ivan Naydenov becomes obsessed with its destruction.” Let’s check it out!

Here’s some fun background info on the film

Right, subtitles, gritty and real, very promising. Might be a bit graphic but the attention to detail is fantastic/lot of period looking equipment.

Well this is different lol

Okay, so, White Tiger is a phantom and man is this interesting!

The Intelligence Major carries an MP-40, you know, a German weapon. You wouldn’t think his superiors would approve….

Great locations & the mystery of the invincible enemy tank is quite compelling.

Oh, oh, there it is! Wow, giant/super tank indeed lol

Ah yes, take pictures of it lol maybe he’s not an intelligence officer lol

How’s that for a sight lol as your rounds bounce off it. It’s way too early in the film/you’ll never defeat it here. Besides, the supposedly invincible/phantom, I was about to comment on how the vaunted enemy was blasting away at the destroyed tank they were hiding behind, when the phantom tank did just that & vanished lol

HAHA, nope, right behind you. This’ll go well/they don’t know it/we as the audience do.

The deputy chief of counter espionage for the army, carries a German sub machine gun? Lol his sidekick even has one lol

Oh, a friend!

Hunh. I wonder how they made all of the old/wrecked tanks. It’s all very well done….

So, the Germans don’t know anything about the tank and our main character prays to a tank god. Never thought I’d see that in a movie lol that & they have a massive amount of period vehicles.

Now you watch, White Tiger’s going to halt this big offensive. Right on cue lol and yes, as he said, you all are waaaaaaaaaaay too bunched up lol all the better for him to blast you with….

The tank bears no markings though, meaning, I don’t think it’s German & given that it literally vanishes, that leaves the supernatural….

Wow, a truly impressive array of period equipment/a lot of great tank stuff/quite possibly the best tank movie I’ve ever seen 🙂

Not that the barn was too obvious, but that was a Panzer IV….

It’s like Uncharted/everything gets blown up or destroyed….

Love the sound White Tiger makes as it’s firing….


Right, so they damaged it.

Oh I think White Tiger might have something to say about that lol

Wait, what? How did we get to the surrender? The scene before they had literally just said they were driving on Berlin. I am soooooo confused lol

Don’t think I would….

It’s like it suddenly became a different movie lol

Ah, no, there’s the counter espionage guy so it is the same movie, but, why the sudden flash forward in time? Lol he still has his MP40.

Who is this conversation between? Evidently that was supposed to be Hitler talking to the Devil.

Well that was different lol 4/5. See you next time!

May 30, 2017

Coming Attractions

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 5:17 pm

I saw a brief trailer for the new King Kong film that surprised me and made me say, “Wow, I wanna see that,” so let’s check out the official/final trailer for Kong: Skull Island – Rise of the King and yes, it sounds like a prelude to more Kong films. We have Tom Huddleston, Brie Larson and these other people. Let’s check it out!

Love The Animals track! Was just singing that today lol

I wanna see that!

Caught up on Arrow as we are, we can read the trivia without spoilers!

For some reason this really stands out lol “Stephen Amell joined forces with Neville against Stardust and King Barrett for a match in the WWE Summer Slam. He was rumored to wear the iconic Green Arrow suit in the ring during battle.” He’s evidently made several appearances lol the clips are on YouTube if you’re curious.

This is really cool 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Stephen Amell lol this comment is awesome! “He should make a T shirt saying ‘Cancer, you have failed this city’”

Haha, we totally have to check out some Arrow bloopers HAHAHA @ the Slade Wilson dance.

Lol at a lot of it, especially seeing Amanda Waller smile, which is incredibly out of character.

While we’re on the subject, we have to check out 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Arrow Very cool/several things I did not know

Last but not least we have to check out the new Wonder Woman trailer wow, very cool & it says, “Trailer drops tomorrow.” Hrmm…. Evidently that came out today/as I write this lol

As it’s the next day now as I add this update, here it is WONDER WOMAN – Official Origin Trailer. I’m excited to see that. “Please put the sword down.” Lol

Unlocked looks pretty cool too

While we’re watching trailers, let’s check out the Dunkirk trailer Very cool. See you next time!

May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 7:01 pm

Freedom is never free and today we honor those that served. It also makes me think about the countless millions that made the supreme sacrifice so that we might continue to be. As such, we have to watch something with a military theme.

Never having seen The Rat Patrol let’s check out The Rat Patrol (1966) (TV Series) This is all I know about it. “The World War II North African missions of an Allied commando patrol squad of the Long Range Desert Group.” Let’s get to it!

As I was beginning to wonder where they filmed this, the Germans have M7 Priests lol as in, American equipment. This was common back then. Ooh, they even have American halftracks. This would be laughable today & reminds me of that mocked up halftrack that got destroyed in a lot of episodes of Combat! Lol the machine guns look a lot better/there was a belt fed MG34 but the Desert Rat guy wearing only the helmet liner is insulting. For some reason that’s always bothered me. You might as well wear a bush hat but the guy with one is obviously the leader so….

I get the impression we can look forward to lots of shots of jeeps flying over sand dunes lol

Oh better yet, they have what would have been modern battle tanks at the time lol Christopher George is our lead.

Let’s move on to Enemies (2017)

It sounds promising, “Belorussia, summer 1942. The war has moved on, far off to the east. The life of a small town where the German authorities of the region have set themselves up is getting back to “normal”. The Germans study Russian, flirt with the local girls, the women wash their clothes and feed them. They have to carry on somehow… But suddenly the teenage son of the film’s heroine decides to run away to the partisans and blows up a German train so that they could accept him. He gets caught and the Germans have to execute him in order “to teach others a lesson”. That’s the order and it can’t be disobeyed. The Germans know that this execution will bring an end to their peaceful lives. The local commandant understands this better than anyone as he is already involved in a close relationship with the boy’s mother. But he can’t ignore an order from his commanders….”

It has an interesting perspective/one we rarely see portrayed – that of both the occupied and the occupiers.

Lol the chicken escaped the block. I had wondered how they were going to handle that.

I could do without the gossiping and wow, talk about not getting along….

It’s quite the interesting dynamic and great seeing films about the other side of the war, meaning, not the fighting.

Modern tanks, but, at least they’re mocked up to look somewhat period correct.

So, they all spy on each other.

The larger question is, where did the rest of the village go? I get it, the men all went to fight the war but there’s only younger children and mostly women over 50. I don’t get it….

Grisha is the aforementioned son but the question becomes, will we ever see him? Tension indeed….

Incredibly powerful to say the least….

Wow, she’s really doing it. I had wondered how far that would go and evidently the older children and the teens fled into the forest. Hunh. Didn’t see that coming….

A significant portion of the film leaves you wondering, “What’s going on here?”

Hunh, well that was a head trip and more than quite unexpected lol and with that, the film simply ends, hunh lol

May 28, 2017

Charlie’s Adoption

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 9:04 pm

This is so cool, we have to watch Charlie’s adoption! he got his shot about a week ago & that’s him, the orange one on the sheepskin at the beginning. The guy with the tie must be one of his new humans. The lady is DJ of the Kitten Academy.

Oh wow, Charlie is a surprise for his wife/who is a big fan. That is sooooooooooooo cool!

Haha, presents/they all go nuts!

Lol Charlie knows they’re out there.

Bye Charlie!

Up next we have several completely random and unrelated thoughts/things:

You ever wonder how superheroes pay the bills? A significant portion of the cast of Arrow do not have jobs lol especially during season 4, I was like, “Umm, who’s paying for all of this?” lol

Whoa, Bill Paxton passed away. Wow, he was 61….

Now this is cool! Live stream of a deer trail! “Wildlife cams in central Minnesota.” That is soooooooo cool! This is another one of their cams See you next time!

May 27, 2017

Sharpe’s Eagle

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:31 pm

Let’s return to the adventures of Richard Sharpe! Sharpe’s Eagle (1993) is up next. The cast is very similar to the previous movie. “Sharpe is a Captain saddled with the South Essex, a battalion run by incompetents and filled with soldiers who have never been in battle. When the South Essex loses its colours….” Let’s see where it takes us!

Okay, set in 1809, the battle of Talavera is about to take place & we’re on location some place epic.

Right, so Sharpe very much becomes the get it done guy and thus gets all of the impossible assignments.

Lol long time no see indeed. I had forgotten all of this 🙂

Lol right, Daniel Craig, pre Bond. Good luck messing with Sharpe. That ought to be #1 on the list of things you don’t do.

“The ability to fire 3 rounds a minute.” HAHA, called that! As that is Mr. Sharpe’s axiom on what makes a good solider.

“Send them to Ireland. We’ll be free in a week.” Lol

It’s the difference between living and dying and winning or losing, this is the officer you want on your side, this is who you want to follow.

Sharpe’s soldiers of course are the finest on the Continent and everything about the movies is first rate 🙂

No, you’re making fools of yourselves.



Great stuff 🙂

You know what the Admiral would say….

Captain Sharpe! Promotion indeed!

Handy being the favored of Sir Arthur Wellesley, the soon to be Duke of Wellington though we have a French eagle standard to capture.

“Brand me.” Lol

Haha, we’re treated to the theme song, led by the fantastic musician John Tams as Hagman.

And with that we have our eagle!

The battle goes so well that Wellesley’s made a Lord.

Great seeing that again! 4.4/5 and with that we have our theme song Over the Hills and Far Away

May 26, 2017

Arrow: Who Are You?

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:18 pm

We have a new character on Arrow – Talia al Ghul, the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul and the half-sister of Nyssa al Ghul. Girl power indeed! She’s also obviously going to be an important character so, let’s get her back story!

“In 1960, Talia and her father, Ra’s al Ghul, passed Sara Lance training with the best performance. Her father advised her to learn from Sara’s skills. Over the years, Talia maintained her youth due to the Lazarus Pit’s waters and, at some point in her life, she trained Yao Fei Gulong which then became the first mentor of Oliver Queen. In 2007, after learning of the death of her disciple, Talia decides to track down Oliver, uncovering evidence about him for the following four years. Decades later, in 2012, Talia found her way to Russia, saving Oliver Queen from Bratva Pakhan Ishmael Gregor.” Okay great. She’s played by Lexa Doig & we’ve just watched her debut on Arrow in the 10th episode of the 5th and current season, so, on to #11, titled Who Are You?

“Worried that Prometheus may be right about him being a killer, Oliver finds a ray of hope in the apparent return of Laurel. Felicity swears revenge against Prometheus for causing Malone’s death.” Let’s see where it takes us!

Oh no no no, don’t turn the particle accelerator on! We know how that turned out lol

“It doesn’t matter because I am having fun.” Lol

And with that, we’re off to Hub City and no, no one ever asks why the towns are all named Star City/Central City/etc/etc lol

“That’s disgusting.” That it is lol

One that involves the Lazarus Pit….

Our other new girl power character is Tina Boland, quite awesomely played by Juliana Harkavy.

Second chances indeed 🙂

Rick Gonzalez is fantastic as Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog.

Yeah, good luck with that lol

Umm, you know, firing a pistol on pavement, the cartridges would do what as they land? The show sometimes does that. Oh well….

Lol Felicity meets someone sooooooooo much like her lol

Hunh. Doing something I didn’t think I’ve ever do – pause the show to say, wow, this could run for a long time. Meaning, I am truly impressed which is saying a lot as Arrow is without question now my favorite TV show ever 🙂 Ratings aside/the CW superhero shows all returned to lower ratings last fall. Who knows, this season’s dramatically different from the previous years, but, they’ll sort it out & they’ve all been renewed for another season so woooohoooo! Back to our show!

The stunts have definitely gotten bigger this season too.

Haha, and thus, The Hood is born!


“Dinah.” Haha, and with that, we have a new team member! Awesome, see you next time!

May 25, 2017

Supergirl Pilot

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:27 pm

After seeing Supergirl in the 5 way Arrow crossover, we totally have to watch the pilot of Supergirl.

“To reduce costs, filming has changed from Los Angeles to Vancouver, as the series itself has moved from CBS to The CW alongside Arrow (2012), The Flash (2014) and Legends of Tomorrow (2016).”

Okay, she’s the cousin of the big S.

“The Phantom Zone.” Oh noes!!!

Hey, lots of familiar faces though is this Earth 38? Who knows lol

Right, Calista Flockhart runs their version of the Daily Planet.

Much different universe/nowhere near as dark as Starling/Star City/the world of Arrow, so much so that it’s an entirely different universe lol

Wow. I’m about to say something I rarely say, “This has my attention.” 🙂

Sully couldn’t have done better & I wanna see more 🙂 this is awesome 🙂

Haha, she’s going to show him lol

Jeremy Jordan is great as Winn Schott and yes, there’s the kryptonite.

Okay so, National City as the DC universe is filled with fictional cities.

Right, she’ll need training.

No. lol. Go away. Go spread joy and happiness someplace else.

No it doesn’t. You already said so yourself.

Oh, and you’ve already seen this.

Great stuff, as in, wow, that was awesome! We gotta see more!

May 24, 2017


Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 6:25 pm

Our Arrow crossover theme continues with a 3 part crossover. We have The Flash 3/8, Arrow 5/8 and Legends of Tomorrow 2/7. All 3 episodes are titled, “Invasion!” Let’s find out why! “Barry speeds over to Star City to ask for Oliver, Felicity and Diggle’s help to go after aliens known as the Dominators according to Lyla Michaels.” This sounds promising and also involves Supergirl so we have all 4 shows but that’s all I’m going to read.

Okay, we need watch them in this order: Flash, Arrow, Legends

Oh noes, alien invasion!!!!

No you don’t….

“Enough to give Ridley Scott nightmares.” Uh-oh….

“Let us handle this.” Rigggggggggght, how long before they come begging for help?

Haha, to Star City!

Yeah, long since tired of seeing them lol

Hall of Justice lol

Okay, so, that’s Supergirl. Very cool. Need to watch that at some point, first, we have an alien invasion to thwart….

Okay, Melissa Benoist is Kara Danvers from Earth 38/an alternate universe Earth where she’s an alien/can fly/we need to watch her origin story lol

Yeah, he’s always like that lol

Hey, more backstory we didn’t see lol

I’ve long since lost track of which crossover or time travel thing this references lol

Umm, you alter all kinds of things in your time travel show.

Okay, so, we have Supergirl, what do we need the rest of you for?

No, you know what Admiral Ackbar would say lol

Hunh, we obviously missed something lol

Superpowers for everyone!

Now that you all are done attempting to murder everyone….

Okay, on to Arrow!

Oh wow, never thought we’d be back here… YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if it is an alternate universe 🙂

She’s new….

Very cool, on to Legends of Tomorrow!

This is really cool, “Just as Stephen Amell (for the title role of Arrow (2012)) and Grant Gustin (for The Flash (2014)), Melissa Benoist was the very first of a thousand actors to audition for the role of Supergirl.”

Oh, okay, hunh lol

Ooh, P90.

Oh, Vixen crossover also lol Okay, so, 5 way crossover lol

“If the world wasn’t being threatened, what would we do?” Haha! Great stuff, see you later!

May 23, 2017

Arrow Crossovers

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:32 pm

As the title implies, we have some Arrow crossover episodes to check out. First up is the second episode of the 3rd season of The Flash, titled Paradox. “Barry discovers that the effects from Flashpoint are greater than he thought. In the meantime, he meets his new co-worker who has an immediate disdain for him.” I have no clue what Flashpoint is or was but I do know Barry used time travel and changed the future, twice now evidently. Let’s see where it takes us!

Ah, okay, so, we didn’t see the Flashpoint thing, but, there’s a flashback lol

Hey, Iris knows now lol

Altered timeline indeed, this is however how John and Lyla now have a son rather than a daughter. That appears to be the only thing different in Star City whereas a great many things changed in Central City.

Haha, that’s Tom Felton/Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies.

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of Flash we haven’t seen….

Before I can say, “Okay, so, he goes fast and changes Time,” he’s back in 1998, we’re listening to Soul Asylum and his father has a doppleganger who is another version of The Flash. We’ve obviously missed a lot….

As much as we should watch the Flashpoint thing, let’s move onto the 1st episode of the second season of Legends of Tomorrow, titled, Out of Time. “When a new threat emerges, Dr. Nate Heywood seeks out Oliver Queen to help find the scattered Legends; once reunited, they go to 1942, to keep Albert Einstein from being kidnapped before the Nazis destroy New York City with a nuclear bomb.”

And, we’re going to get to see Sara!

Bit too much science fiction and way too much time travel To the Kitten Academy!

This is the first mailbag/unboxing and here’s another from the next day/today as I write this. It’s a riot watching the cats play with the packages lol

See you next time!

May 22, 2017

Fukushima Five Years Later

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:35 pm

Having heard good things about Six, let’s check out the first episode! “Navy SEAL Team Six attempt to eliminate a Taliban leader in Afghanistan when they discover an American citizen working with the enemy.” It’s on the History channel.

I could see where, this could be cool, but, it’s not uplifting….

Let’s move on to Fukushima Five Years After

Wow. I’ve never really seen much on that….

How very like The Town That Was (2007)….

“As of November 2016, 30 countries worldwide are operating 450 nuclear reactors for electricity generation and 60 new nuclear plants are under construction in 15 countries.” Wow….

This is interesting as is the video. Lot to think about indeed….

Hmm, very moving to say the least.

This is another interesting and very powerful article about this topic Eye opening to say the least….

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