Be the Lighthouse

February 28, 2018

Ghostbusters (1984)

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:25 pm

Who ya gonna call?! We of course have to start off with the classic Ray Parker Jr., track! look at all the cameos!


Let’s get to it! I’m excited to see this again/it’s been waiting in the wings for a LONG time lol

Who ya gonna call?!

Wiiiiiiiideeeeeeeeeeeeeee screen indeed lol

Lol forgot we hear the song in the beginning.

Enter our leading lady!

Rick Moranis lol

Man, they’re all so young here lol

Haha! Who plays Janine? Oh yeah, Annie Potts!


Larry King!

Casey Kasem!

Lol at how the restaurant patrons all go back to their conversations/ignoring whatever might be happening to Moranis lol

Potts is fantastic!

“See you on the other side!”

Cue the title song!

That was cool!

February 27, 2018

The Big Sleep (1946)

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 5:04 pm

The Big Sleep (1946) is up next! Bogie and Bacall, and, these other people. I mean, like it matters beyond that lol.


“Private detective Philip Marlowe is hired by a rich family. Before the complex case is over, he’s seen murder, blackmail, and what might be love.” Directed by Howard Hawks, white and black, it’s another long time no see so let’s get to it!

Warner Brothers! Like that’s a surprise lol ooh, Dorothy Malone, Regis Toomey, and Bob Steel and yes, Perc Westmore on makeup lol for some reason I get a huge kick out of seeing one of the thousands of their credits. Quite the legacy they have!

Right! Malone works in the book store….

Right. The General is ill and spends his time in a greenhouse and lives vicariously through others – smoking, drinking, etc.

🙂 there’s a lot of great lines, not to mention the incredible tension and everything else we have to look forward to 🙂


Enter our leading lady! This is my third favorite of their films.

Lol at the banter between the leads/deliberately reminiscent of To Have and Have Not (1944).

There’s so many awesome lines!

Right! Famous first editions, soon to be a theme….

“I collect blondes in bottles too.” Lol

The trivia mentions what Geiger’s store is really about. It is never mentioned in the film.

Look how young Malone is! She is fantastic!

Right! The house. We’re going to be spending a lot of time here lol

Best of all, it really holds my interest lol until reading the Bogie Blog the other day, I had been completely unaware of the fact, that, there are 2 versions of the film. details the differences. I look forward to finding out which version this is lol I think, it’s the 1946 version….

Why does he keep pulling at his ear lol

Enter Regis Toomey!

Lol at the phone call scene.


One of the few films with a lady cab driver, filmed and set as it is, during the war.


The entire film was shot on the set/back lot/who cares lol

Lol love all of the dancing dialogue/verbal jousting lol

This’ll go well….

Lol now who is it?!

And we still have over an hour and 15 minutes left lol


It’s not even half over lol

Lol at the banter.

The ear thing is one of the best actor movie habits ever lol (George Raft’s coin flipping bit was great too though he of course wasn’t as big of a star)

Bacall sings! Forgot about that/and most of the film for that matter lol

“She was a sob sob sister.” Lol

“A grey Plymouth cou-pay.” Lol


Okay, so this is the 1946 version.

“You came in through the key hole like Peter Pan.” “Who’s he?” “Guy I used to know around a pool room.” Lol

Good thing we didn’t make, “You’re cute,” our drinking game lol “Is he cute?” lol

Someone’s not being honest and enter Bob Steele!

You ever find yourself asking, “What’s going on?” lol

Mister Walgreen sells insurance! Must be before he opened his five and dime. Teehee.

“You want me to count three or something like a movie.” Lol

Hey, we’re on location, briefly lol

Hey, Trevor Bardette!


We’d all like to know where Sean Regan is lol


The funny and awesome thing is, you don’t care about not having a clue what’s going on lol you just enjoy the ride!



🙂 love it! This is how you make a movie!

Back to the house, again lol What a ride!

Love how they say so much without saying anything lol

🙂 love it and let’s read that trivia now!

Right, so, what’s never revealed is, what Eddie Mars had on Mrs. Rutledge, and yes, it’s never explained what happened to the chauffeur lol The author of the book didn’t even know lol They never say what happened to Mr. Rutledge either. This explains a lot lol

“Marlowe asked for an 1860 edition of Ben Hur at Geiger’s rare book store. Lew Wallace didn’t get it published until 1880.” Right!

February 26, 2018

Even More Awesome YouTube Things!

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:59 pm

Ambition starts us off!

He looks familiar….

Aiden Gillen. Ah yes, we’ve seen him in several things. Hey, this even has a credit on IMDB!

That was cool, let’s see what else we can find….

Let’s check out Hollow next

Wow look at the scenery and I love the bridge!

The music is awesome too!

Wow, look at the forest! Whatever it’s about, that was awesome lol

Now this is cute: Changing Batteries

HAHAHAHA Love how the robot reacts when it gets the new oil.

Very cute, very powerful 🙂

One more! The New World–Sx_9VlLY

Though I confess to not understanding it in the least, it’s quite enjoyable, not to mention different. I mean, I get it, she’s exploring a new world, but where did she come from and why doesn’t anyone move lol oh well, life doesn’t always make sense and with that, she goes back into the tree lol

With that, we enter the land of the tree people!

So, she’s human now?

Well that was cute! See you next time!

February 25, 2018

Wild, Awesome, and Different YouTube Things!

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:31 pm

Let’s watch some awesome things today! starts us off. It’s in French with no subtitles, but who cares lol

Lol the Grim Reaper befriends a little girl


The detail is fantastic!


Wow, this is different!

Oh, okay. That was unexpected….

Let’s check out Fox And The Whale next!

This is a riot/how the fox jumps like the fish/backs away from the elk lol

Lol the fox has a canoe!

Lol the fox turns into Laird Hamilton/riding giant waves.

This is cool and quite different to say the least!


Let’s see what else we can find!

We haven’t watched wild and trippy things in a long time, so….

That was wild! Let’s follow on to Top 15 Mysterious Things Found Underwater

Oh wow. They found the Queen Anne’s Revenge.

Wild stuff! See you next time!

February 24, 2018

High Sierra (1941)

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 5:28 pm

High Sierra (1941) comes highly recommended and I don’t recall ever seeing it. Directed by Raoul Walsh, screen play by John Huston, it stars Ida Lupino, Bogie, and these other people including Arthur Kennedy, Joan Leslie, Henry Hull, and Cornel Wilde so let’s get to it! “After being released from prison, notorious thief Roy Earle is hired by his old boss to help a group of inexperienced criminals plan and carry out the robbery of a California resort.”

White and black, Warner Brothers.

Perc Westmore on makeup lol

And with that, Bogie is on the loose!

Wow! Look at the scenery!

Bunny! Lots of familiar faces of course.

Enter Lupino.

Look how young Kennedy is lol

Now this is interesting I love the rating system lol “Was Lauren Bacall in the movie??? (An automatic +1 Bogie in my book!)” Awesome!

The dog is awesome/played by Bogie’s own dog!

Leslie is fantastic!


Leave the poor girl alone….

I’ll just imagine it goes differently….

There’s a lot of great stuff going on & they’re all caught up in circumstances they very much want out of. I think the dog’s the only one who’s happy lol the dog has literally stolen the film lol


Well now what….

Should ride on. It however is 1941….


Riiiiiiiiiight lol



I don’t need my BatSense to know this is the beginning of the end….

Love the scenery!


Let’s see, we could either say, “I’ll just imagine it ends differently,” or, we could write another ending! We haven’t done that in a long time so….

Rather than go through with the robbery, he turns them in and gives up crime. He takes the money for the operation and he and Marie ride off into the sunset together to begin new lives 🙂

Never did spot Cornel Wilde though I see who he played lol

February 23, 2018

Another YouTube Film Festival!

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 5:01 pm

Texas starts us off! This is a riot, neither of them will cross the state line. Watch it end with neither of them being able/willing to cross the tracks lol


Very powerful….


You watch though, no one’s going to cross lol


That was awesome and quite different 🙂

Love the Ennio Morricone-esque music 🙂

Let’s see what else we can find!

How about Bounty Hunted! ooh, look at the scenery!

1872, your Colt Peacemaker doesn’t exist yet there mister pipe smoking Marshall lol

The scenery rates a complete epic! Man, let’s go hiking there!!!

Look how green it is!

Umm, the antagonist has a pierced ear….

Well that was different. The scenery is incredible though 🙂

Now this is cool! I hope they make a part 2/finish the story.

This is cute 🙂

One more! 850 meters!

Lol there’s an escalator!

Trojan horse lol

What a riot!

Lol the sword’s taunting him.

What a romp!

Well that was different lol

February 22, 2018

Let’s Talk About Westerns!

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 5:49 pm

I had the idea to talk about westerns today. It’s been forever since we’ve seen an epic western. I mean, at least, several days right? We watched The Tin Star (1957) about 12 centuries ago, so, rather than watch something/a western, let’s talk about westerns!

No, I don’t mean the epic scenery, the action, the tension, the shootouts or anything like that. Let’s talk about films! Whether it’s the wide open spaces of Big Country (1958) or the driven man/incredibly powerful story of The Bravados (1958) with the epic romance that plays out against it all. While we’re talking about Gregory Peck we can’t forget the epic transformation, not to mention Anne Baxter, in Yellow Sky (1948). We also have Shoot Out (1971) though and the question of the little girl….

We can’t forget Glenn Ford and his trademark nasty hat though lol Go West, Young Lady (1941) is an incredible romp and has one of my absolute most favorite in film musical scenes ever! Westerns aren’t all about action and his leading lady is an absolute menace, to him lol

We can’t talk about westerns without mentioning the master himself. Randolph Scott’s Budd Boetticher films are some of the best westerns ever made! The Tall T (1957) of course stands out and yes, we’ll be doing another western festival soon!

Joel McCrea of course stands out with numerous epic roles from Saddle Tramp (1950) to The Gunfight at Dodge City (1959).

Audie Murphy, wow, where to begin! The Guns of Fort Petticoat (1957) and Hell Bent for Leather (1960) definitely stand out.

What’s that? Yes, I’ve deliberately not talked about this star or that star because we’re going to talk about stuntman turned actor Jock Mahoney next! Joe Dakota (1957) of course stands out as does Showdown at Abiliene (1956) and The Last of the Fast Guns (1958), filmed in Mexico as it was.

The Ride Back (1957) is also epic as is From Hell to Texas (1958) which I initially watched because it had Chill Wills in a supporting role! The Last Wagon (1956) also comes to mind as then does the epic title song of Saddle the Wind (1958). And yes, as you can tell, I’m a huge fan of 50’s movies as it truly was the golden age of film 🙂

I could go on and on lol instead, let’s find an awesome western to watch! We have about 150 to choose from lol. Hrmm. What to watch, what to watch….

February 21, 2018

Rear Window (1954)

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 5:26 pm

In a completely different direction, Rear Window (1954) is up next! The Princess herself, the winner of the Best Actress Oscar for The Country Girl (1954), she needs no introduction! We have Jimmy as the paranoid/klutzy photographer, Raymond Burr, Kathryn Grant in an uncredited role as Girl at Songwriter’s Party, and these other people. Another long time no see, let’s be about it! We even have Gig Young in an uncredited role as someone’s voice lol let’s see if we can spot the soon to be Mrs. Bing!

It’s also the 44th highest rated film on IMDB! Trivia and with that

Hey, 50’s widescreen!

Paramount and cue the music!

Right, as the trivia mentions, our film is entirely on the set and through the voyeuristic eyes of one incredibly bored and nosy photographer lol

Haha, Wally Westmore on makeup!


Not only do they not have air conditioning, very few of them even have fans….

So, he isn’t just a photographer, he shoots action/dangerous situations….

Oh, right, okay, that’s….

Perry Mason has white hair. I had forgotten about that….

Oh he’s going to see something alright lol


The lights change to indicate the various times of day and there’s even a real street we catch glimpses of….

Enter our leading lady!

An $1,100 dress in 1954, would be $10,086.84 in 2018, and a catered meal from 21, so they are obviously from different universes lol

Right. He wants to be a field photographer/live a rugged life and she lives in high society….

Oh right. Forget about that. He’s watching his neighbors live out their lives, soap opera style. He gives them all names – Miss Torso, Miss Lonelyhearts, etc.

It definitely doesn’t start out like a Hitchcock film lol

So there’s the songwriters and our director cameo.

Hmm. I don’t remember any of this lol

And thus the tension begins/he returns to the rear window. Don’t do it. Don’t look. Get on the Internet. Watch funny cat videos. Check and see if Sina has a new video.

Ah, the case, and he’s been out in the rain. Hrmm….

And he returns with the case, and leaves with it again….

I remember the terror of seeing this the first time, though that’s not until later….

There he is with the case again lol I remember the first time I saw this, wondering what in the world was going on lol

Haha, the little dog! The dog’s human lowers it to the ground in a basket from an upper floor lol that’s awesome!

He hasn’t resorted to his binoculars yet lol

Right! The doggie!

The binoculars aren’t enough though. He gets his camera out & puts a 2 foot lens on it. Okay, it’s only a foot and a half lol

The dog gets in the basket on cue lol

She’s not an invalid. She can walk….


Haha. This is awesome and we still have over an hour to go!

The trunk! Do we ever find out what’s in it?

“You had any headaches lately?” “Not until you showed up.” Lol

Lol there goes the dog in the basket again.

Haha! There’s Kathryn Grant!

I had forgotten how awesome this is!

She brought her own 🙂

Lol at the newlyweds!

Cue the tension express lol

What’s hidden in the ________ ?

What about __________ ?!

Thelma Ritter is fantastic as Stella! Oh wow, check this out, “She received six Academy Award nominations for Best Supporting Actress—more than any other actress in history.”

It’s awesome, in many ways, but also in that, all of the music in the film, comes from within the film itself played in the songwriter’s apartment.

Tension City!!!

11 minutes, 11 minutes….


8 minutes, 8 minutes….

5 minutes….

“No thanks. I don’t want any part of it.” BWAHHAHHAAHAAAA!



Love it and we all know what Jack Buck would say!

February 20, 2018

Abraham-Hicks Best Wedding Story Ever!

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 5:22 pm

This is so awesome, it rates a post of its own!

Here’s another awesome Abraham video!

February 19, 2018

To Have and Have Not (1944)

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 5:01 pm

I want to watch something awesome, something epic, stirring, and incredibly powerful with an awesome romance and, yeah….

It’s fascinating how our tastes change as we do/no longer finding enjoyment in things & I only review things I like now, otherwise, why watch it lol

Despite having recently been told, “You just watched that!” To Have and Have Not (1944) is up next! It’s one of my most favorite movies. So… that’s up next!

The bee line and Walter Brennan walking like he has a rock in his shoe are our drinking game and yes, we are going to be hydrated! I’ve got the ice water with lemon ready so let’s get to it!

White and black, “During World War II, American expatriate Harry Morgan helps transport a French Resistance leader and his beautiful wife to Martinique while romancing a sensuous lounge singer.” Everything about the movie is epic!


Right! Warner Brothers!

Based on a Hemingway novel & I am already laughing at the bee line lol

Perc Westmore on makeup!

Summer of 1940, so it’s set before Casablanca (1942)….

“Nationality?” “Eskimo.” Lol

So, the boat is the Queen Conch, and they really do sail it, a bit, in the tank and on the ocean. The fishing sequence of course is from something else….

Haha! “Was you ever bit by a dead bee?”

Lol that’s the first time we caught the complete fumble Johnson makes with the rod and reel….

The tank is so well done that you wouldn’t even know it was a tank if you hadn’t read it teehee….


The film of course is filled with nautical references and before I can type, “Our leading lady is conspicuous by her absence,” there she is!


With the glancing lol

Cue the big play.

HAHAHAHA! lol Slim asks him “Why don’t you bite them back?” lol


Oh, those are blocks of ice in the wagon!

Enter Dan Seymour as the chief of police.


“Captain Morgan.” As in the most infamous pirate, ever.

“To buy a new hat.” Lol

You’ll get yours!

lol Brennan and his rock in the shoe walk

Even though we don’t have Sam, I prefer the music in this one, over Casa. That and Hoagy of course sang and played the piano himself, whereas the actor who played Sam, was an actor, acting like he was playing. Oh well, they’re both awesome films!

The banter and dynamic between Bogie and Bacall is the best between leads ever.

“I’ve been mad ever since I met you.” “Most people are.” I know I mentioned that in the previous review, but it’s an awesome scene lol

Sing with Cricket!

🙂 just noticed the shift there 🙂

“You’re just a stinker.” HAHHAHAHAAA!

This explains the title & interestingly enough The Gun Runners (1958) is more true to the book than this film.

lol maybe we shouldn’t have added Brennan’s rock in the shoe walk to our drinking game lol

“In case we run into a shark or something.” Lol I wonder what model Winchester that is. Haha! it’s an 1892. That’s cool though. I wouldn’t have noticed that about the machine gun. That and the lack of ammo, though they do have it mocked up with an ammo box, no brass ejects. Oh well. It’s a couple of seconds lol



Right. Frenchy locks the door so how does Slim get in? An error we’ve mentioned before/listed in the trivia. The white haired lady might opened the door.

Check this out, Horatio is played by, hold onto your turban – Sir Lancelot! That is officially the coolest actor’s name ever/even cooler than Speed Weed or Biff Wiff! And yes, Lancelot was his real name.

She not only needs a match, she needs a cigarette lol

Cue Slim batting her eyes HAHAHAHA!

HAHHAAHA! The whopper story. We’re at 900 pounds. 1000 lol

Brennan is awesome!

Right! Cue the Hong Kong Blues! has even more fascinating stuff about the film, especially this, “Lauren Bacall was then a 19-year-old model. She appeared on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar, and was noticed by Hawks’ wife, Nancy “Slim” Keith, who showed the cover photo to her husband. Hawks sought Bacall out and signed her for the role, her first movie appearance. In the movie, Harry calls her by the nickname “Slim”, and she calls him “Steve”, the nicknames used between Keith and Hawks.”

“The three of us!”

Slim’s gonna sing for us! First time ever, I want to insert the lyrics lol and I’ve also just now noticed, she’s wearing a two piece outfit, hence their discussion over it….

Through the desk….

Did he get his passport back? One would presume….

We have to hear the bee line lol before I can type it lol

Cue the swish! HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!

Love it, love it, love it! That’s a winner!

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