Be the Lighthouse

September 4, 2017

The Undefeated (1969)

Filed under: Uncategorized — bethelighthouse @ 4:27 pm

The Undefeated (1969) is up next, not just because it’s awesome but because of the classic line, “Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon, windage and elevation.” Lol

Marian McCargo is the aforementioned (and widowed) Mrs. Langdon and thus our female lead. There are about 105 familiar faces from The Duke to the Rams quarterback to Catwoman herself Lee Meriwether and yes I know she was only Catwoman in the movie. The entire cast is detailed here and the trivia!

Let’s get to it!

Right, directed by Andrew V. McLaglen!

The film begins with a final Civil War battle then Hudson and company head for Mexico. The Duke and his crew intend to sell horses in Mexico. The two groups meet and you’ll get no spoilers from me lol

Royal Dano! And yes, I’ll probably keep doing that lol

Even the music is awesome 🙂

Dub Taylor lol

Ooh, Hal Needham = stunt coordinator!

They did quite well with the weapons too, set in 1865 as we are which means no cartridge revolvers and the only lever action rifle in existence was the Henry, of which replicas did not exist at this time.

Enter our female lead!

The scenery is very nice and is only going to get better.

No, they won’t sell it, they’ll burn it all….

& they’re going to offer you 4 dollars….

“We just swept the floor.” Lol

Right, the guy that wouldn’t fight….

Ben Johnson, Paul Fix!

As the Wikipedia article on the film details, “The film portrays events surrounding the French Intervention in Mexico during the 1860s period of the neighboring American Civil War with the Emperor Maximilian and is also loosely based on Confederate General James Orville Shelby’s factual escape to Mexico,” which in and of itself is a fascinating story! “In June 1865, rather than surrender, Shelby and approximately 1,000 of his remaining troops rode south into Mexico.” Rock Hudson’s company though includes their families.

Turn them back to where?

NOO!! Mrs. Langdon and Merlin Olsen get stuck/are the last wagon. “If I can’t have the whole dog I don’t want the tail.” Lol

They did well with the weapons though/the pistols thus far are cap and ball.

They’re really on location with a massive herd of horses too.

This was filmed near where our previous movie was filmed – in Sonora, Mexico.

Chuck Roberson!!

Your Winchester couldn’t possibly exist until the following year and both the cartridges and your revolver are even further away….

Did we mention Bruce Cabot?

The war’s over though. The question is, who keeps fighting it….

Oh, oh, we’re going to get to hear the line because we have a huge fight coming….

Right, Merlin Olsen is, “Little George.” Lol

HAHAHA! There’s the line 🙂 lol (ice water with lemon)

Lot of Winchesters that don’t exist. Oh well lol

Wherein they refight the war, but without weapons 🙂

Lol the leg wrestling thing. Cue the brawl lol


Friends indeed!


No fake shots though and all of the outdoor scenes were filmed on location 🙂

“Are there many women out there?” We know where she’s going teehee – Oklahoma!

Great seeing that again, see you next time!

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